- Telephone: 864-877-6755
- Fax: 864-877-2334
- E-Mail: claims@ramseyadj.com
- Website: www.ramseyadj.com
Established: 1970
- Property (All Lines)
- Automobile (All Lines)
- Inland Marine
- Builders Risk
- Arson Investigations
- Business Interruption
- Construction Liability
- General Liability
- Commercial Liability
- Trucking
- Cargo
- Workers' Compensation
- Mediations
- Investigations
- Damage Appraisals
- Subrogation
- Claims Audit and Review
- Salvage
About Us
Ramsey Adjustment Service Inc. stands ready to provide your company quality services in all lines, whether you require an appraisal, partial investigation or full adjustment. We also provide very competitive pricing.
Firm Highlights
Ramsey Adjustment Service Inc. has been in business since 1970 and has qualified personnel with an average of 20+ years adjusting experience. We take advantage of the latest technology tools to accurately process claims. Our adjusters are equipped with all the best programs to estimate and evaluate any claims that they are assigned.
How We Offer Value
Ramsey Adjustment Service supports the professions code of ethics and laws of South Carolina in handling of all losses and claims. We demonstrate high performance standards of competence, responsibility, integrity and service at all times.
(See profile under Columbia, SC for additional information)
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