- Telephone: 864-641-8777
- E-Mail: hank@wilsonlong.com
- Website: www.superiorinsurancesc.com
Established: 2018
Distance to Spartanburg: 16 Miles
- Automobile (All Lines)
- General Liability
- Product Liability
- Builders Risk
- Inland Marine
- Trucking Liability
- Mediations
- Workers' Compensation
- Commercial Property Losses
- Residential Property Losses
- Fire/Arson/Fraud
- Trucking Cargo
- Informal Conferences
- Trained Adjusters
About Us
Superior Insurance Services is dedicated to providing quality service in a prompt and timely manner to our clients in both South Carolina and North Carolina. With 20 + years of experience, our company is uniquely qualified to handle assignments in both states. We use the latest in technology to accurately investigate, process, estimate and evaluate all aspects of any claim. We honor the profession’s code of ethics and laws of South Carolina and North Carolina in all aspects of our claims handling practices.
Service Area
We serve the following SC counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Chester, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union and York. We also serve Henderson, Polk and Rutherford counties in NC.
Personnel Information
- Hank Long, Owner, Multi-Line Adjuster
- Wilson T. Long, Multi-Line Adjuster
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